Once entered, they can click the Send account Details button and they will receive an email shortly that includes their Username, Account, and User Type along with a link which will allow them to reset their password. Error messages will be displayed for a short time before fading away.Ĭlicking this link will open a pop-up asking for the user's email address.
Error Messages will appear above or below the Control Bar, depending upon the position of the Control Bar on the desktop.
The Control Bar will notify users of the application status. This does not apply to all users and is dependent on your configuration. NOTE: When logging in for the first time, or if you have requested a password change, you may receive the following notification and the application will prompt you to change your password. TIP: Username and Password are case sensitive! Enter your Login Name and Password and click the Sign In button to access Fluency Direct. If you are signing in for the first time or if you have signed out, the Control Bar will be available for you to sign in. NOTE: If your organization has Single Sign On methods (such as Imprivata), you may be able to skip this step. The Fluency Direct application will open you will see the Splash screen appear while the application loads. Once you have successfully installed Fluency Direct, you can open Fluency Direct by going to Windows Start > MModal > Fluency Direct.